lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Hi everyone!
Last week we were told to write down about some principles for our project. After talking a lot we decided those principles that are separate on three headlands:
  • We think that the teacher is supposed to be flexible: what we mean is that the teacher has to respect the children rhythm. Each person has our specific rhythm and our work as teachers is to adapt ourselves to their rhythm and to adapt it on all the class, to go everyone at the same time. So other attitude can be to be patience but, we think that is related with the flexibility and respecting the rhythm, because sometimes everyone is fast but just one is slower, so with a lot of patience we have to achieve to stay everyone together. Al so, the teacher can’t shout to the students.
  •  To stay everyone together we can observe that the collaboration is essential. Work in groups, help to other students. We don’t have to forget never that the teacher is the model, so we have to work in groups and the students will watch it and copy us.
  • The teacher has to be motivated. If the teacher is motivated the children will be to. And for us it is very important because, with motivation the learning will be more and more significant.
  •  The positivism is also so important. The teacher has to believe in the children abilities and believe that all the children will go on, on their mode.
  • Almost creativity is very important. From our point of view mathematics, languages and all those subjects are important, but we can teach them those subjects in other way. With creativity we can make some activities attractive. Moreover, we can teach them just being creative with activities like; painting, drawing, acting, singing…
  • Active. Is one word that can say lots of things but what we mean with it is that the teacher needs to be active and teach things by doing. It is also one strategy but we think that to use this strategy on the classroom.
  • The last competence is that the teacher has to be interested in children previous knowledge.

The second headland is the strategies to be used in the classroom:
  • When we mentioned the creativity we talked about using some material that creates interest. For instance, when we are teaching them the names of the colors, we can show them some “Manleys” or when we are teaching them the names of the instruments carry there some instruments and let them playing them. Moreover, and related with the creativity, we can let them doing some activities like; playing with dolls, doing manual works, reading book, watching videos, singing songs... (all of them  are objects that create interest on them and help them learning better).
  • We will use some rituals, like start and finish the class with some songs…

And to the last headland we use the others name:
  • We want to show them that English is funny, that they can use English wherever they want and have fun with it. So for that, we can use English with exercises they like, going out of the classroom or school territory…
  • Moreover, we have to take in count that there are children and we have to teach things that are related to their level.

After listening to other class groups, we had added more principles.
On teachers’ abilities:
  • Take account the children needs and point of interest. (We can relate and add it with being interested on students previous knowledge)
  • Work with other schools, using Skype… (We can related and add this with our point of collaboration).
  • Being open-minded.
  • Be passionate with our work. (We can related and add it with being motivated).
  • Create equal opportunities for all the children. Respect see them as a person (they are children but are person too). (We will relate and add it with flexibility).
  • To be a researching teacher.

On strategies:
  • Use those activities too: crafts, create histories, workshop…
  • Activities to experiment…
  • Use body or corporal expression and make kids also using it.
  • Respect the interests of OUR CILDREN. (Not curricular, the interests of our students).

On others:
  • Use English with other subject. (We can relate it with using English with funny activities and go out of class.
  • Talk in English all the time.
  • Feel English useful. (We will relate it with funny and using it out of school).
  • Some works to do with parents and at home. (With this exercise we can make collaboration school-home/family).
  • Evaluate their process as small as they are.
  • Do not obligate do to nothing.
  • Don´t keep them the chance to participate.

Wainting to your publications to take more information.
Se you


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