jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Some questions to how to make the English learning happened.

Hi friends..... :#

Sorry friends, we had forgotten about writing the questions.

But, there we go;
1.- The English lesson is appropriate to do in the same class or is better to go to other class (to separate the languages with spaces and don’t  mix)?
2.- Is better to have 3 lessons for 30 minutes or is better to have one intensify lesson per week for 1 h and a half?
3.- How can we teach them in HH the written English if they don’t know writing their first language properly? Or is adequate to just work with the speaking English?
4.- Do we have to obligate the students to speak in English?
5.- Apart from groups  should we make exercises individually?

Those are our questions


PD: (Mejor tarde que nunca).

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