Here you have the direction of our project and we hope you like it!!
sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013
jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013
Presenting Projekt´s first ideas
Hi everyone!!
Like the last week it said, we have to talk about a little about our projekt. So now we are going to explain you about it.
The school that we have choosen is Ondarreta Public School. This school is near San Sebastian.
Ondarreta is a public School and the reason which we have chosen it is because we think it is very interesting working in a public school and also because there are a lot of type of students for example: portuguese, moroccan, gypsy and basque students. We have to say that the most of them have as maternal language Spanish.
On the other hand, we have to talk about the characteristic of our students. Our students are five years old and some of them are immigrant.
The topic that we decide to teach is about family. We will work the topic about the family with the english. Also, we introduce in our project for example: general objectives, objectives of the unit, contents, competences, activities, criteria for evaluation, methodology, differents models of education that we would aplicate in our project, and finally the parents collaboration.
Well, this is our project, but not all of it. If you want to know more you have to wait until we publish it or ask personally and we will give you more information.
Like the last week it said, we have to talk about a little about our projekt. So now we are going to explain you about it.
The school that we have choosen is Ondarreta Public School. This school is near San Sebastian.
Ondarreta is a public School and the reason which we have chosen it is because we think it is very interesting working in a public school and also because there are a lot of type of students for example: portuguese, moroccan, gypsy and basque students. We have to say that the most of them have as maternal language Spanish.
On the other hand, we have to talk about the characteristic of our students. Our students are five years old and some of them are immigrant.
The topic that we decide to teach is about family. We will work the topic about the family with the english. Also, we introduce in our project for example: general objectives, objectives of the unit, contents, competences, activities, criteria for evaluation, methodology, differents models of education that we would aplicate in our project, and finally the parents collaboration.
Well, this is our project, but not all of it. If you want to know more you have to wait until we publish it or ask personally and we will give you more information.
Have a nice long weekend!!
miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013
Hi to all!!
The last week we
started with the role-play in class and nowadays we can say that we have learnt
those points to have in mind.
1. Talk in
English. From our point of view, the teacher must to speak all of the time in
English. That’s to not mix the English and the Basque languages. So, in the English
class time the teacher has to talk in English. That’s why the teacher has to
divide the normal class (Basque) and the English one (in case that there is
just one teacher for both languages, like in Zerain). For it we can use some
extra elements or accessories to make easier the division. For instance, wigs.
2. The teacher must be careful with
the vocabulary and the grammar forms that uses. It is necessary to keep in mind
that the recipients are children.
3. We think that giving examples is
the best way for teaching. For example, if we are teaching colors we can show
them some color manleys.
4. When we were seeing the different
role-playings, we realize the importance of patience. The teacher has to be
patience to teach slowly and repeat everything more than once. Apart of this, the teacher must do signs.
5. The possibility of doing extra
activities. In those role-playings we saw a big variety of different examples
of activities; singing songs, painting, pointing, watching videos, going to
trips, reading books… we can accurate the activities or the styles depending on
the teachers interests. Also is important to star teaching from the teachers’
6. In our role-playing, we had the
chance to teach to the children some extra contents that we hadn’t prepared
before. But the kids started saying the colors of the crayons and we can use
that moment to teach them the colors names. So, we don’t have to say what we
had planned, we can afford every moment to teach English.
So, that’s what we learnt. We are waiting
to see your publications
See you!
Hezkuntza in the World.
Hi to all!!
I´m Nerea and yesterday I was the journalist of the class. So now I´m going to explain you what happed in the class.
First, Natalia read us a part of a book called, THE ELEPHANT IN CHAINS. The books topyc was about if you don´t try something that you really want to do it, you will never get it. It was very interested topyc, because, we can connect it with something in our lives.
Then, Eli, Maialen, Leire and me, explain our activities about how to introduce the English in a class, but we had to use the Zerain model of education.
Have a nice day!!
See you later!!
I´m Nerea and yesterday I was the journalist of the class. So now I´m going to explain you what happed in the class.
First, Natalia read us a part of a book called, THE ELEPHANT IN CHAINS. The books topyc was about if you don´t try something that you really want to do it, you will never get it. It was very interested topyc, because, we can connect it with something in our lives.
Then, Eli, Maialen, Leire and me, explain our activities about how to introduce the English in a class, but we had to use the Zerain model of education.
- The first activity was meet Uxue and sing a song if she was awake.
- The second activity was draw Uxue.
- The third activity was show you a album family.
- And the last activity was draw their each one family and then write your family members.
And that is all!!
Have a nice day!!
See you later!!
miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013
Hi to all!!
Today we have done our child profile to make a roleplay in class, so now we are going to show you our child profile.
Today we have done our child profile to make a roleplay in class, so now we are going to show you our child profile.
- Our child is boy and his name is Aitor
- He is 5 years old
- Aitor is relaxed and out-going boy. Also, he is intelligent and always be ready to take part in the class.
- He doesn´t like animals and sometimes it´s difficult to catch his atention.
- When the teacher is talking about some topic that he really dislikes, he gets very angry.
- His father is English.
miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013
Is it clil?
When Uxue was borned in Zerain, the teacher Kontxi thought that it was the moment to start with a new proyect. She decided to learn maths but without book. She thought that will be more interesting and motivating for the students to learn something that they would like to know. So, she decided to start teaching from the students interests.
Moreover, the proyect wasn't just in maths the proyect was based on teaching all the subjects like maths without books. So they will learn just one toppic and will start teaching it and go wherever the students like.
So, the cuestion is; is it clil?
Of course it is clil. Clil means or consists on convining the contents with the languages. So on the english/spanish case (because we will refere to a foreign or second language) in Zerain they work with clil. They work the family toppic but in english or spanish so they are mixing the contents (always from the students interests) with s language. So IT IS CLIL!.
Here we see that what we see on the theory can be used on the practise, so come on, if we want we can!
Have a really nice weekend
See you soon xxx
hezkuntza in the world
Hi friends!
Today we have been speaking about activities that we would do to learning English in Zerain school.
The first activity: TO DO A FAMILY BOOK/ALBUM
In this activity, the students are going to take their family book.
The second activiy: RECOGNISE TO THE FAMILY
The students will put in the wall their families photos and the teacher will say, for example: "Go to your father´s photo" Then, the children have to go to their father´s photo (there we can say like, go but, runnig, or walking, or jumping, or dancing... to make the activity funnyer).
The third activity: TO DO A DRAW
The students are going draw and in this draw will appear their father, mother, siblings, grandmother, grandfather... (their familiars)
The fourth activity: WHO IS WHO
This activity is to deducing who is the person of the family that the teacher is describing. for this exercise we can use the family album of the teacher or some students, so the teacher willl show the picture and after xplain who is who (she is my mother, he is my father) and after all the explanation, will say something like this: "Is someone that has sunglasses" or "Is someone that has a red t´shirt" and the students have to guess.
The fifth activity: FAMILY SONG
The sixth activity: INDEX CARD
The student are going to give at home the index card and their parents have to fill in. In this index card appear these information:
After, we can analize all the information, and work differents toppics (but also if the students are interested on all of this).
The seventh activity: PIGGYBOOK
The teacher is going to read the "piggybook "book. This book explain the story of a traditional family.
So, if the students are interested on the differents families, we can go through it.
That's all!!
We hope you like it!!
Today we have been speaking about activities that we would do to learning English in Zerain school.
The first activity: TO DO A FAMILY BOOK/ALBUM
In this activity, the students are going to take their family book.
The second activiy: RECOGNISE TO THE FAMILY
The students will put in the wall their families photos and the teacher will say, for example: "Go to your father´s photo" Then, the children have to go to their father´s photo (there we can say like, go but, runnig, or walking, or jumping, or dancing... to make the activity funnyer).
The third activity: TO DO A DRAW
The students are going draw and in this draw will appear their father, mother, siblings, grandmother, grandfather... (their familiars)
The fourth activity: WHO IS WHO
This activity is to deducing who is the person of the family that the teacher is describing. for this exercise we can use the family album of the teacher or some students, so the teacher willl show the picture and after xplain who is who (she is my mother, he is my father) and after all the explanation, will say something like this: "Is someone that has sunglasses" or "Is someone that has a red t´shirt" and the students have to guess.
The fifth activity: FAMILY SONG
The sixth activity: INDEX CARD
The student are going to give at home the index card and their parents have to fill in. In this index card appear these information:
After, we can analize all the information, and work differents toppics (but also if the students are interested on all of this).
The seventh activity: PIGGYBOOK
The teacher is going to read the "piggybook "book. This book explain the story of a traditional family.
So, if the students are interested on the differents families, we can go through it.

That's all!!
We hope you like it!!
sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013
In this case we will talk you about Eleanitz Project.
The student who participate in this project, begin studying english with four years.
The positive sides of the Eleanitz project we think that are those that are below:
- The creative thinking.
- More flexibility talking about mental intelligence.
- Abilities/skills to the social communications and relationships.
- More facilities to learn another language.
This aproach, complements to the multilingual approach. Thats what we mean, although the Basque is the main language, this project helps you giving some facilities that are obtained to learn the Spanish, and so, other languages such as English. The most innovative topic is the early exposure of the foreign language.
With this project the objectives determined are those:
1.- Same opportunities to all the students to learn the two official languages, and to get the normalization and use of the Basque language.
2.- Achieve those skills: understanding, creating, reading, writing, analyzing, thinking over, attitude…
The requisites to can participate in that project:
a) To be schooled in “D eredua”.
b) To start learning english with 4 years old and continue until 16 years old.
c) Furthermore, to be completed the courses and the hours that are predicted for the cycles and states.
d) The projects equipment use on the right way.
e) They will chosse the teachers that make conditional on the project.
f)The teachers that take part in training meeting.
g) Take part in evaluation meeting.
h) Pay the expense of the project.
Also, it´s so important the knowledge of the teachers, becouse they have to use the correct tools to trasmit their knowledge to their students. But, we can´t forget about the tools that uses the school as well. These too things are so important to learn a new lenguage.
For this project the most important thing is the material that use in the classes, so for this reason if they don´t found the right material, they make their own material.
This are the list of the project´s material: (4 years to 18 years)
- Ready for the story.
- The Adventures of Hocus and Lotus.
- Story Projects.
- The Explorers.
- Subejct Projects.
- SSLIC (Gizarte Arloa ingelesez)
- The culture of Europe.
Finaly, the conclution of the expert about this project is that the students that use this methon to learn English (child above everything), they don´t affect on their mom lenguage, in our case the Basque lenguage (we think that this is very important). So that means, the little children since four years can learn English without any problems of forget their lenguage.
jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013
Some questions to how to make the English learning happened.
Hi friends..... :#
friends, we had forgotten about writing the questions.
But, there
we go;
1.- The English
lesson is appropriate to do in the same class or is better to go to other class
(to separate the languages with spaces and don’t mix)?
2.- Is
better to have 3 lessons for 30 minutes or is better to have one intensify lesson
per week for 1 h and a half?
3.- How can
we teach them in HH the written English if they don’t know writing their first
language properly? Or is adequate to just work with the speaking English?
4.- Do we
have to obligate the students to speak in English?
5.- Apart
from groups should we make exercises
Those are our questions
PD: (Mejor tarde que nunca).
Hello classmates,
In today's lesson we talked about the CLIL project. CLIL stands for
Content and Language Integrated Learning. It refers to teaching subjects such
as science, history and geography to students through a foreign (or not
necessarily foreign) language. This can be by the English teacher using
cross-curricular content or the subject teacher using English as the language
of instruction.
So, we will do our own example of CLIL project.
The most
important point for us is to teach English but in a funny way. We don't want
our students to get bored; we want them to participate actively (of course,
meanwhile learning). So the activities will be games.
- Moreover,
we will group our students. The objective is to cooperate and work in groups. (That’s
because we think that in that way we can learn more and better).
- Talking
about methodology, we think that some rituals or routines makes the students
feel better and be more relaxed (because they know that will happen). So to
start the class we will sing a song. After, we will tell them a story, and this
story will be related with the next activity that we are going to do. For
instance, we will tell them a story about some colors and after they will draw
the rainbow). And for the end of the class, we will finish it with a song or
- More things
that we talked about our project; the teacher will make some open-questions so
that the students will answer. Furthermore, the teacher will make repeating
sentences or some words. (In our project, we decided that for us the most
important thing is the speaking language, but we don’t rule out the written
- The topics that
we will work in our project are the ones that are interesting for OUR students.
So, when we know our students we will decide the examples of the didactic
units. But those who usually have much success or the most used are; animals,
family, feelings, means of transport and community workers, body parts, colors…
But as teacher, we will work the ones who are significant.
- Talking about
material, and according to the text we read about CLIL, we will use, CDs, DVDs,
puppets, books, songs… (We require for the material; native English speakers).
Finally, we want to use English
with a natural way (in discussions…).
sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013
The last class, I was the journalist and we were talking about when, why and how learning a foreign language.
In our class we talked about different topics and now i'm going to share with you:
- Some of us thought that beginning learning a language with four years is appropriate but you must know how to do it. But others, said that it´s not necessary to start learning English with four years. On the other hand, there are who said that it´s better begin learning English with 4 years because they will learn better the pronunciation.
- It´s more important the methodology than the age to start learning English.
- You can learn English hearing speaking to your teacher.
- Firstly you have to know speaking your mom language perfectly and then, you can study or learn the second or the third language.
- Begin learning English with 4 or 6 years doesn´t change the level that the child will get. But, there were others who said that the children that begin learning English with 4 years have better level than the other children.
- So, learning a language depend on two factors:
The cuality
- High exposure does not neccesary correlate with higher competence. It´s the form, intensity and timing of exposure that may be more important factors.
How are you? In this case, we will talk you about the age of the children of our project, and the reasons. We have been talking about it, and finally we have decided that the age of the children will be five years old.
On one hand, some of us thought that the ideal age is 6 years old, because we think that the first languages has to be learnt perfectly. And after, the foreign languages can take place on their lives.
On the other hand, some of us thought that the ideal age is 4 years old, because we think that if we start as soon as we can with other language is better and easyer to learn better, but also is important not to forget the first languages.
So finally, both of us agreed and decided that our proyect will be for children for 5 years old. We think that is important to start early but, before it, they have to have learnt well the first languages.
Thank you for reading and have a nice wekeend!!!!!!
lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013
Hi everyone!
Last week we were told to write down about some
principles for our project. After talking a lot we decided those principles
that are separate on three headlands:
The first headland is THE TEACHERS’ COMPETENCES
- We think that the teacher is supposed to be flexible: what we mean is that the teacher has to respect the children rhythm. Each person has our specific rhythm and our work as teachers is to adapt ourselves to their rhythm and to adapt it on all the class, to go everyone at the same time. So other attitude can be to be patience but, we think that is related with the flexibility and respecting the rhythm, because sometimes everyone is fast but just one is slower, so with a lot of patience we have to achieve to stay everyone together. Al so, the teacher can’t shout to the students.
- To stay everyone together we can observe that the collaboration is essential. Work in groups, help to other students. We don’t have to forget never that the teacher is the model, so we have to work in groups and the students will watch it and copy us.
- The teacher has to be motivated. If the teacher is motivated the children will be to. And for us it is very important because, with motivation the learning will be more and more significant.
- The positivism is also so important. The teacher has to believe in the children abilities and believe that all the children will go on, on their mode.
- Almost creativity is very important. From our point of view mathematics, languages and all those subjects are important, but we can teach them those subjects in other way. With creativity we can make some activities attractive. Moreover, we can teach them just being creative with activities like; painting, drawing, acting, singing…
- Active. Is one word that can say lots of things but what we mean with it is that the teacher needs to be active and teach things by doing. It is also one strategy but we think that to use this strategy on the classroom.
- The last competence is that the teacher has to be interested in children previous knowledge.
The second
headland is the strategies to be used in the classroom:
- When we mentioned the creativity we talked about using some material that creates interest. For instance, when we are teaching them the names of the colors, we can show them some “Manleys” or when we are teaching them the names of the instruments carry there some instruments and let them playing them. Moreover, and related with the creativity, we can let them doing some activities like; playing with dolls, doing manual works, reading book, watching videos, singing songs... (all of them are objects that create interest on them and help them learning better).
- We will use some rituals, like start and finish the class with some songs…
And to the
last headland we use the others name:
- We want to show them that English is funny, that they can use English wherever they want and have fun with it. So for that, we can use English with exercises they like, going out of the classroom or school territory…
- Moreover, we have to take in count that there are children and we have to teach things that are related to their level.
After listening to other class groups, we had
added more principles.
On teachers’ abilities:
- Take account the children needs and point of interest. (We can relate and add it with being interested on students previous knowledge)
- Work with other schools, using Skype… (We can related and add this with our point of collaboration).
- Being open-minded.
- Be passionate with our work. (We can related and add it with being motivated).
- Create equal opportunities for all the children. Respect see them as a person (they are children but are person too). (We will relate and add it with flexibility).
- To be a researching teacher.
- Use those activities too: crafts, create histories, workshop…
- Activities to experiment…
- Use body or corporal expression and make kids also using it.
- Respect the interests of OUR CILDREN. (Not curricular, the interests of our students).
On others:
- Use English with other subject. (We can relate it with using English with funny activities and go out of class.
- Talk in English all the time.
- Feel English useful. (We will relate it with funny and using it out of school).
- Some works to do with parents and at home. (With this exercise we can make collaboration school-home/family).
- Evaluate their process as small as they are.
- Do not obligate do to nothing.
- Don´t keep them the chance to participate.
Wainting to your publications to take more information.
Se you
In the class of the 23 of October, one
student for our class, red us one book that it is called “Don´t let the pigeon
drive the bus!”. So, all the class we put in a circle and we listened her
carefully. It was very nice! She made us
talk and take part!
The book is a children´s picture book by Mo
Willems. Released by Hyperion Press in 2003. The plot is about a bus driver who
has to leave so he asks the reader to not allow the pigeon to drive the bus.
The pigeon tries many excuses and tries to finagle
readers into letting him drive the bus.
Without we realize, “Don´t let the pigeon
drive the bus” obligate us to put ourselves in the place of an adult that he
have to deny something to someone younger than him. And we must confront to faces
of 'good boy', tantrums and desperate emotional blackmail.
Also, the book can be considered as a game:
every time that the pigeon say us that it wants to drive the bus, children will
have to say “NO”.
After the
book, we have put in groups and we have done one list about the principles of
our project. The principles are about what we want to do for children learn
English in a fun and active way.
When we
have finished doing the list, we have spoken about our principles all the
class. So, we can have put or change other principles in our list that we have
Then, all
the groups will publish in the blog their list. So, all the people who want, will can see it.
in the next publication, my group and I have published our list with some
principles that we would use in our school to teach English. We hope it will be
interesting for you and for all the people.
jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013
Hi to all!!
This is our list of good things and bad things to learn a new lenguage.
This is our list of good things and bad things to learn a new lenguage.
- Speaking in that lenguage.
- Reading a books or something like that in that lenguage.
- Watching videos.
- Doing exercises.
- Singing songs.
- Practising.
- Speaking with other people.
- Not practise.
- Having a bad teacher.
- Having a bad lenguage.
- Don´t be motiveted.
Also we wrote about bad and good education. This is our list of it.
- All the time practise the leguage.
- Feel like home.
- Have flexibite.
- The teacher have to be goog teacher and be motivited.
- Arts activites are more inportant than learning maths.
- No memorise LEARN.
- The class be not interesting and every day do the same thing all the time.
- Having a bad books and notes about the lenguage.
- If the books are not modern.
- If the all class the student are doing only grammar and not practise the lenguage.
martes, 15 de octubre de 2013
Hi everyone!
In the other class we saw a documental about school prohibited and we liked it a lot. We did some reflections and we would like to announce you:
- In the school you must know reading, writting and calculating. If you don´t know these others activities you aren´t educated.
- The student must be free to learn.
- Love is necesary for learn.
- Learning in group is better than learning alone.
- If you aren't happy in the education it means that you aren´t educating
jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013
We are Maialen, Nerea, Eli and Leire and we just want to share with you our blog with our insights and contributions to our didactic unit about different topics.
In the next publication we will show you our picture.
we hope you will enjoy it...
xxx and hugs
Take care ;)
We are Maialen, Nerea, Eli and Leire and we just want to share with you our blog with our insights and contributions to our didactic unit about different topics.
In the next publication we will show you our picture.
we hope you will enjoy it...
xxx and hugs
Take care ;)
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